About Us

Our Mission Statement

Says a lot about us and our beliefs

“The goal of DocStar Services, LLC is to assist our clients in all aspects of their real estate document typing and recording needs, where outsourcing creates a competitive advantage for them, while providing a positive experience that promotes a high level of customer service.”
Formed in 2008, DocStar Services, LLC

Officially opened its doors in February 2009

Setting out to make a difference by providing services that seemed to be disappearing from most other real estate service providers, as many of these companies were shedding and eliminating certain services as a way to save their bottom lines and focus on their “basics”. Unfortunately, by doing so they left a void in services that still seemed to be an important step to most of their clients, leaving them with no options other than to try to do it themselves or find alternative means.
DocStar Services, LLC simply picked up these services that were considered not to be a vital part of the business of processing real estate transactions; and brought them back out to the clients as way to assist them in these functions, that were indeed important to them. Whether it’s the end consumers that need our service(s)/product(s), a real estate professional, or even a company who once performed the very service(s) we offer today; DocStar Services is here to help. We offer an array of services that seem to find a fit for all of our clients, by creating a seamless environment wherein we mirror our client’s expectations with our great service.
Doc Star Service

Document Typing

There are many types of Real Estate documents and trying to type them can seem like a never ending task, whether you are in need of just adding someone to your title or wanting to remove a person from the deed. Our clients have benefited greatly by letting us type their Real Estate Documents, thus taking the frustration and challenges out of having to do it themselves. Our clients and customers are not only Private Party Individuals, but also Attorneys, Escrow and Title Companies, Mortgage Lenders, Realtors, Tax Consultants and other Real Estate Professionals.
DocStar Services not only types Deed transfers, but we also type a variety of other Real Estate Documents. Here are just some of the various types of Documents we type for our clients and customers.
Our Values

Our team is very friendly, knowledgeable and always eager to help, contact us today to see how we can be of service.

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Our team is very friendly, knowledgeable and always eager to help, contact us today to see how we can be of service.

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If there is anyway that we can be of help, contact the DocStar Services Team. We are always here to help.

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Though there are many other methods, these five ways to hold title are the most common for individuals and married couples
Community Property: There is a statutory presumption that all property acquired by husband and wife is common property and is equally owned by both spouses. Property acquired prior to marriage is considered separate property (as is property received by either spouse as a gift or an inheritance).
Community Property with the Right of Survivorship: Method of ownership by a married couple that vests title in the surviving spouse upon the death of a spouse.
Joint Tenancy with the Right of Survivorship: This method is defined as an equal and indivisible ownership interest by two or more people. Survivorship means that upon the death of one of the individuals, his/her interest ceases and is passed to the remaining individuals. It is important to note that one person’s interest cannot be willed to his/her heirs.
Tenants in Common: If property is held in this method, the interest of two or more individuals can be broken down into percentages and willed to his/her heirs. The death of one individual does not transfer that person’s interest to the surviving owners (unless specified by a will).
Sole and Separate: This is the method of ownership for a married individual who does not want his/her spouse to have a right to the property. The person’s spouse will need to sign a disclaimer deed waiving all rights and interests in the property.
A Corporation State of Formation, and who the Authorized Signer(s) will be and their title(s)
A General Partnership State of Formation, and who the Authorized Signer(s) will be and their title(s)
A Limited Partnership State of Formation, and who the Authorized Signer(s) will be and their title(s)
A Limited Liability Company State of Formation, and who the Authorized Signer(s) will be and their title(s)
A Trust Name of each Trustee, Complete Name of Trust and Date of Trust Agreement
An Estate Name of personal representative and name of decedent, if necessary provide papers showing authority
The above is provided as general information by a third party Vendor, and is in no way intended to provide legal advice or a substitute for legal advice.